Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Company, Data Governance, Data Marketing, Data Mining and Data Integration, Data Quality Management, Machine Learning, Self-service Analytics, Technology

Informed decision-making: fast and effective

« Promptness in decision-making is the pillar of success, but data insight is the foundation »

This adage perfectly sums up the subject of effective and rapid decision-making, which in the majority of businesses is based on data.

In today’s business world, data has become the fuel that drives strategic decision-making. From planning day-to-day operations to developing long-term strategies, businesses are now leveraging data to guide their choices and improve their overall effectiveness.

Here’s how data-driven decisions can radically transform your business. Whether you’re a leader in your sector or expanding into a new market, you’ll inevitably have to make strategic decisions that will affect your business.

Knowing that the wrong decision can have serious consequences for your project, and even for your company, it’s essential to have the right processes, decision-making tools and, above all, data.

Accuracy and relevance

Data-driven decisions are based on tangible, factual information, eliminating guesswork and hunches that are often prone to error. By using accurate, up-to-date data, businesses can make more informed and relevant decisions, reducing the risk of costly errors.

Identifying trends

By analysing large data sets, businesses can identify significant trends and recurring patterns. This enables them to anticipate market changes, identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Personalising customer experiences

Customer behaviour data enables businesses to create personalised, tailored experiences. By understanding individual customer needs and preferences, businesses can offer better-tailored products and services, boosting customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Using technology to accelerate & optimise the process

Operational data enables companies to optimise their internal processes. By identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks, companies can make precise adjustments to improve productivity, reduce costs and increase overall operational efficiency.

Data processing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and predictive analytics can accelerate the decision-making process by automating repetitive tasks and providing actionable insights in real time. Advanced algorithms can detect subtle patterns in data, helping decision-makers to make better and faster decisions.

Data-driven decisions: the key to agility & agile decision-making

With real-time access to data, businesses can make decisions faster and more agilely. Using real-time dashboards and analysis, decision-makers have the information they need to react quickly to market changes and new opportunities.

Informed decision-making depends on access to accurate, up-to-date data. Companies that invest in data collection, analysis and visualisation systems are better equipped to make rapid, informed decisions. By exploiting available data, they can quickly assess market trends, understand customer needs and identify opportunities for growth.

Speed without compromising quality

While speed is essential in a competitive business environment, this does not mean sacrificing the quality of decisions. Data provides an objective framework on which to base choices, reducing the risk of costly errors associated with impulsive or ill-informed decision-making. By combining speed and accuracy, businesses can make effective decisions while maintaining a high level of quality and relevance.

The importance of a data culture

Beyond tools and technologies, informed decision-making depends on an organisational culture that values data and fosters collaboration. Companies that foster a data culture are better equipped to collect, analyse and effectively use information to make decisions. By encouraging transparency, communication and collaboration, these companies can fully exploit the potential of data to drive innovation and growth.


By adopting a data-driven approach, businesses can transform the way they make decisions, moving from an approach based on intuition to one based on tangible, verifiable data. As a result, they can improve operational efficiency, drive growth and maintain competitiveness in the ever-changing marketplace. Ultimately, businesses that fully embrace data-driven decision-making are better positioned to thrive in the modern economy.

Informed, data-driven decision-making offers an undeniable competitive advantage in the modern business environment. By combining speed and efficiency with the accuracy of data, businesses can adapt quickly to market changes, seize opportunities and maintain their position as leaders in their sector. By investing in advanced data processing technologies and fostering a data-driven culture within the organisation, businesses can successfully navigate an ever-changing world and thrive in the face of uncertainty.

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Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Change and Project Management, Data Governance, Data Marketing, Data Mining and Data Integration, Machine Learning, Self-service Analytics, Technology

Mastering your Data: the essence and impact of the data catalogue

In today’s hyper-connected world, where data is seen as the new gold, knowing how to manage and exploit it is essential for businesses wishing to make informed decisions and remain competitive. The concept of the data catalogue is emerging as a key response to this challenge, offering a compass in the vast and often tumultuous ocean of data.

This article aims to shed light on the challenges and benefits of data catalogues, modern libraries where metadata is not just stored, but made comprehensible and accessible. Through the automation of metadata documentation and the implementation of collaborative data governance, data catalogues are transforming the way organisations access, understand and use their valuable information.


By facilitating the discovery and sharing of trusted data, they enable organisations to navigate confidently towards a truly data-driven strategy.

But also...

A data catalogue is a centralised tool designed to effectively manage data within an organisation. According to Gartner, it maintains an inventory of active data by facilitating its discovery, description and organisation.

The basic analogy would be to say that it is a directory, where readers find the information they need about books and where they are: title, author, summary, edition and the opinions of other readers.

The aim of a data catalogue is to make data governance collaborative, by improving accessibility, accuracy and relevance of data for the business. It supports data confidentiality and regulatory compliance through intelligent data lineage tracing and compliance monitoring.

Here are 5 reasons for your data teams to use a data catalogue:

Data analysts / Business analysts

They use the data catalogue to find and understand the data they need for their analyses. This enables them to access relevant data quickly, understand its context and guarantee its quality and reliability for reporting and analysis.


Data Scientists

The data catalogue is essential for locating the datasets they need for their machine learning and artificial intelligence models. It also makes it easier to understand the metadata (where the data comes from and the transformations it has undergone), which is vital for data pre-processing.


Data Stewards

They are responsible for data quality, availability and governance. They use the data catalogue to document metadata, manage data standards, and monitor compliance and the use of data within the organisation.


Compliance and security managers

The data catalogue helps them to ensure that data is managed and used in accordance with current regulations, such as the GDPR for the protection of personal data. They can use it to track access to sensitive data and audit data use.


Data architects and engineers

These technicians use the data catalogue to design and maintain the data infrastructure. It provides them with an overview of the data available, its structure and its interrelationships, making it easier to optimise the data architecture and integrate new data sources.

It’s important to note that business users are not left out of this tool either. Although they are not technical users, they benefit from the data catalogue to access the information and insights they need to make decisions. The directory enables them to find relevant data easily, without the need for in-depth technical knowledge.

Key points

A data catalogue is used to:


  • Improve data discovery and access


  • Strengthen data governance


  • Improve data quality and reliability


  • Facilitate collaboration between teams


  • Optimise the use of data resources


With Data Catalogues, just as we now do with our own revolutionary DUKE solution, navigate the complex data landscape today, with the luxury of effectively accessing, managing and exploiting data to support informed decision-making and business innovation.

Let your Data teams shine today and dive straight into the heart of our DUKE project.

Artificial Intelligence, Hospitality

Innovation- Chatbots in the Hospitality Industry

Chatbots were one of the most significant trends of 2017. These small pieces of software with pre-programmed interactions allow you to communicate with them naturally and simulate the behavior of a human being within a conversational environment. It can be a standalone service or integrate within other messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger.
The adoption of these virtual assistants is growing, and brands are using chatbots in lots of exciting ways. You can order food, schedule flights and get recommendations for pretty much anything. Chatbots seemingly are the future of marketing and customer support.
The use of chatbots in the hotel industry is still evolving, but it currently encompasses a wide range of services, from hotel bookings and customer service inquiries to pre/post-stay inquiries and general travel advice.
The hotel industry can experience many benefits from the use of chatbots, among them:
  • They can be used as a reservation channel to increase direct bookings.
  • Since chatbots are available 24/7, they will reduce reception workload by giving guests instant and helpful answers around the clock.
  • Guests can check-in/check-out on the fly with the aid of a chatbot.
  • They will help independent hotels to build accurate guest profiling so that they can provide personalized offers to their guests. The hotel will be able to deliver tailor-made offers instantly and directly via chat before, during or after their stay.
  • Guests can opt-in to be notified from chatbots about the places to visit, the rates of the hotel’s cars, etc.
  • The ease of booking and the proactive concierge services create brand loyalty and improve guest satisfaction.
  • Hoteliers will be able to obtain customer reviews post-stay via a chatbot. This is much less invasive compared to traditional email marketing, which is often ignored.
What challenges do they pose for hoteliers?
Adopting this new hotel technology involves many challenges for hoteliers. For instance:
  • Independent hotels will need to simplify their booking process to accommodate chatbots.
  • Hoteliers will need to provide a consistent booking experience on chatbots in comparison to other channels.
  • General managers will need to monitor chatbots where there is a human element. They will need to allocate staff resources.
  • Hoteliers will need to manage guest expectations since guests will expect a quick turnaround on their requests through chatbots.
As you can see, chatbots present many opportunities for hoteliers, from increasing customer loyalty to enhancing the guest experience. To keep your guests coming back for more, definitely consider joining the chatbot revolution – but only if your hotel is equipped and prepared for this big step.